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Photo by Jason Hemmings |
Old Castle Lachlan might look like a ruin today, but if you
step with me through a mist of fantasy you will see a bustling castle
where...once upon a time, resided an angry brùnaidh.
"Ouch." Had someone pinched her?
The somber friar raised his gaze from his prayer book.
"Is anything wrong, my lady?"
Heat flashed across Mairi's chest and neck. She glanced at
the man standing at her side, the one she met a mere few hours ago.
Iain glared at the shingle at her feet. He probably believed
the stones poked through her thin bridal slippers and caused the outburst.
Though the shingle made the proceedings uncomfortable, that wasn't what made
her screech. Something sharp jabbed her hip, but no one stood near enough to
inflict such abuse.
"All is well." She smiled at Father Ambrose.
"Please, continue."
Mairi's gaze drifted over the faces of those who'd gathered
to witness the uniting of two clans in peace. Bah. Her marriage to the Chief of
Clan MacLachlan would change nothing. Her grandfather's quest for more land proved
Where was Caitrina? Mairi couldn't find her amidst the
crowd. Had the fairy forsaken her? Never. Caitrina must have hidden
within a glamour of invisibility.
The friar's voice droned on. Mairi fixed her stare on the
water, the ceremony taking place on the shore
of Loch Fyne . The MacLachlan chapel
within the castle tower was unable to accommodate the throngs of Campbells
who'd come to witness the spectacle of her ruin.
She risked a sideways glance at Iain. His features remained
He'd dressed for the occasion in a crisp saffron leine and
colorful plaide of red and blue. Two warrior braids hung to one side of
his strong jaw and his chestnut hair glistened in the sunlight. When he leveled
his stare on her, his sapphire eyes sparkled.
A shiver shimmied along her spine, and she couldn't suppress
the prick of fear tangled with excitement for the bedding to come. How would
she survive? A large man, he'd rip her asunder.
She moistened her lips. His eyes flared before he looked
"Join hands." Father Ambrose grasped her right
hand and presented it to Iain who clasped her fingers with his left.
She gasped. A tingle spread gooseflesh up her arm. Iain's
lips quirked into the first smile she'd seen from him since she'd arrived at
Castle Lachlan.
The friar cleared his throat. "Is there any among the
gathered with reason this couple should not wed?"
Mairi flinched when something pricked her arse. She looked
over her shoulder, but no one was there. She raised her gaze to Iain.
His eyes sobered with concern and he fingered the ornamental
dagger handle protruding from a sheath at his waist with his free hand.
"I pronounce thee man and wife."
Grumbling rose from the crowd, and Iain's expression turned
fierce. No one dared step forward to denounce the union on fear of retribution.
With his palm cradling her back, Iain guided his new wife
through the gathering of clansmen loitering within his council chamber toward
the dais and head table. Silky strands of strawberry blond hair caressed his
fingers. Lavender teased his senses. She seemed a wee, fragile lass, but after
gazing into her silver eyes, he sensed her backbone. She'd need it to endure
the challenging times ahead.
"He is a fool to wed a Campbell ."
The whisper came from amidst the crowd.
He felt Mairi flinch through the fabric of her silver gown,
and he clamped his jaw tight. They could say what they wanted. He'd set his
course. Marriage was the only way to ensure peace and prosperity.
Iain seated his wife to his right. He supposed he should say
something to soothe her, but he wasn't adept with sweet words.
"Ignore the barbs. I am pleased with you, wife."
"And I with you, husband." Her eyes spoke volumes
to the contrary, though her notion of duty would change when he convinced her
He couldn't hope for love, but would settle for trust.
"Quiet," he bellowed at the noisy crowd and
inclined his head to the friar.
As Father Ambrose rose to say grace, the feast vanished from
the tables in a fine, gray mist. Surprised and angry voices echoed through the
Iain slammed a fist on the table. Munn. The damn brùnaidh
caused this havoc.
"Ach, my apologies. I shall ensure the situation
remedied," Iain stammered as he clasped Mairi's hand and stood.
"Please, come with me, my dear. We will see to the feast for our
Wide eyes searched his face, but she rose without question
and followed him to the vaults along with several servants. All was quiet. They
found no trace of Munn or the stolen victuals.
Dropping Mairi's hand, Iain raised his arm in the air.
"Where are you wee man? Where is my wedding feast? Show yourself or I will
banish you to the darkest, coldest, cruelest corner of the Highlands ."
Silence. Then a faint jingle of silver spoons tingled in the
damp air.
Iain sighed. His ranting got them nowhere.
"Munn, return the feast. Dinnae disgrace the MacLachlan
name or your own by forcing me to serve our Campbell
guests naught but scraps."
"Ach, aye. The Campbells
will enjoy the fine catch from our braw rivers and the bounty of our woods.
'Twill naught be long until the Campbells
steal our fair lands as well," Munn muttered though he remained invisible.
"Please." Mairi stepped forward and sweetly
Part of the feast was thrust into the hands of servants, the rest landed upon tables that appeared along with the food.
Part of the feast was thrust into the hands of servants, the rest landed upon tables that appeared along with the food.
With a nod from Iain, the servants rushed to serve the
dishes to the guests.
When he caught Mari's gaze, he expected to glimpse horror.
Instead, she laughed. "I see we both have wielders of magic. And I think
your Munn may have pinched me during the ceremony."
"I have forgiven him. And I will explain about Caitrina
after the feast."
Iain didn't care who Caitrina was. He wanted to kiss his
persuasive wife. And that was what he did. When she melted into him, his heart leapt
with joy.
Although this legend ends happily for Mairi and Iain, Munn
held hatred for the Campbells deep
within his soul for generations.
To learn more about the brùnaidh—the Scottish brownie
visit my post from last month.
Thanks for sharing this excerpt! I loved the pic you posted along with it. How lovely!
Munn is quite the rascal! Very enjoyable excerpt, Dawn. I love stories built around old legends. Well done!
Hi, Renee. Old Castle Lachlan might be a ruin, but when I venture into the 'mist' I sense the stories waiting to be told. Thanks for stopping by.
Munn is certainly mischievious, Pat. :) I had fun writing the short. Thanks for dropping in for a visit.
Love the excerpt. Thanks for a light look at forced weddings in days of old.
Nancy Lee Badger, author of SOUTHERN FRIED DRAGON
Dawn Marie this is a great excerpt. I love the myths and how they explain away everything. This sounds like a great story. Thanks for sharing.
Loved the excerpt. Glad you made it back safely from the wilds of Florida. Looking forward to more of your work on the loop.
I can only imagine what it must have been like not to have a say in who one married. *shivers* Thanks for visiting, Nancy.
Hi, Paisley. I'm glad you liked my wee tale. And so glad you stopped by for a visit.
Hey, Derek. I'll be rearing to go at the crit loop as soon as I get over the cold I caught in FL and dig out from under the mountain of laundry. :(
Thanks for stopping by for a peek at my story. :)
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